Franklin High School

High School

School Closure (SNOW DAY) Information

With the snowy season upon us, your FHS Admin Team has prepared a number of bell schedules to ensure each class period has roughly the same amount of instructional time during the week. You can find the schedules on the Bell Schedules page on the FHS website.

In a statement sent last week, Seattle Public Schools explained that schools would occur online, on Microsoft Teams, in the event of a weather emergency that causes schools to close. The reason for this district decision is to minimize the days that could be added to the end of the school year since any additional days would put the end of the school year into July.

What will a school closure look like at FHS?

If a snow day is called, the first snow day will be a 2-hour late start.

  • The school day would start at 10:50 AM on the first snow day
  • Students will join their class period’s Teams link found on their class’s Schoology page at 10:50 AM
    • The class period they will join first depends on the day of the week:
      • If the snow day is on a Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday then students will join their 1st period Teams link first
      • If the snow day is on a Tuesday or Thursday, then students will join their 2nd period Teams link first
  • The school day will proceed as usual following the bell schedules on the Bell Schedules page on the FHS website

Any other snow days will be regular school days, starting at 8:50 AM on Teams.

Student Preparation for a Snow Day

Students should make a habit of taking their school-issued laptop home each day, even when snow is not in the forecast.

Teachers will work with students to review accessing and joining Teams meetings as well as their class norms for online learning.

Attendance on a snow day will be taken and will count just like a regular school day. If your student will be missing the remote learning day, they will need to be excused by calling or emailing the FHS attendance office: Phone: 206-252-6154 Email:

If you/your student does not have a functioning device, they should visit Mr. Longhurst in the library!

Families that need a wireless hotspot for internet access can inquire at the Main Office with Ms. Bocker (206-252-6150)