Franklin High School

High School
Student Life

Associated Student Body (ASB)

Franklin ASB Information

What is ASB?

ASB stands for Associated Student Body and consists of a group of students that represent the entire student body of Franklin High School. ASB is responsible for providing student activities and being the voice of Franklin students to staff, school district, and community. The main objective of ASB is to make students feel connected to school and each other through involvement in ASB organized activities. 

The primary goals of ASB are to create a memorable experience for all students on campus, to promote Franklin unity and spirit, and to grow as student leaders. ASB actively works to ensure that student activities and campus life are alive and well. ASB is constantly making contributions to the community, school, and their fellow students. 

Why join ASB?

Being in ASB means you want to make the school a better place to be. Maybe you want to improve the school by adding a new event, maybe you want to improve it by working on all school communication, whatever ideas you have for improving the school are valuable.

Stay Connected on Instagram

ASB Student Body: @franklinasb

ASB Class of 2023: @2023quakers 

ASB Class of 2024: @franklinhs2024

ASB Class of 2025: @2025fhsquakers

ASB Class of 2026: Currently doesn’t have one, will be made sometime when 9th graders get elected in November 

How do you spend ASB money?

  • Spend money that your student organization has already raised by completing an Activities & Athletics Financial Request Form and following this process .
  • Submit meeting notes/minutes with your request. These are cheat-sheets for secretaries and treasurers!
  • All reimbursements must be pre-approved by your organization and the ASB. Reimbursements are limited to places that will not accept Purchase Orders.

How do you raise ASB money?

  • Your events must be approved by the ASB and added to the calendar. Complete section A of the ASB Activities Approval Form .
  • Submit meeting notes/minutes with your request.
  • Maintain your inventory  if you are selling something for your fundraiser.
  • Follow the ticket sale process if you are selling tickets to an event.
  • After your fundraiser, complete section C of the ASB Activities Approval Form and reflect on the fundraiser in your meeting notes/minutes.
  • Private fundraising for charitable organizations has a separate process. If you would like to collect funds for another organization find out their tax ID code and complete this paperwork .

How do we build an ASB budget?

  • Only active student organizations with approved budgets may raise or spend money .
  • Find more information about the budgeting process here. How does your club govern itself?
  • Do you need to update your club’s constitution? Check out these examples  and resources .

What other important rules and information should we know?

  • All of the Rules: ASB Procedures Manual 
  • Rules about selling food: Distribution & Sale of Competitive Foods and SPS Nutritional Guidelines
  • A list of restricted and forbidden activities: Seattle Public Schools  Activity Matrix

How can I request ASB or additional help with all of these rules?

  • Email Mrs. Guenther, with questions or concerns.
  • Email your ASB Treasurer, Paige Morris
  • Plan to send representatives to our spring training and budget building workshop and check out last year’s budget planning workbook.

ASB activities are student-led and student-directed. Before you start this process, remember to plan ahead. Allow time for your club to meet, plan, and record your plan in meeting notes/minutes. We hope that the following forms and processes will help you in your planning.

How do you start a club at Franklin High School?

  • Find a staff advisor since all student organizations require a staff advisor. You can ask a staff member to advise your student organization or ask the ASB for help with finding an advisor. 
  • Identify four students to serve as officers.
  • Complete the club by-laws form.
  • Submit your form to Mrs. Guenther in the ASB Room or Attendance Office, who will review it and contact your staff advisor. You must also request a club ASB account.
  • Plan to attend the next ASB meeting to share additional information about your club.

Event Planning

  • How do you plan an event at FHS?
    • ASB organizations may request the use of Franklin facilities for approved events.
    • Review the school calendar to determine what dates are available for your event.
    • Complete the event request form and turn it in to the ASB room.
    • If your event will include fundraising, you must also complete the appropriate fundraising documents .
  • How do you advertise your event?
    • Post signs about your student organization throughout the halls.
    • If you want to make an announcement on Q-TV or an announcement on the website, please email Please note these requests should be made 48 hours in advance to be added on time.
    • Tell your friends.
  • What are the rules about signage (use of flyers, banners, etc.) to promote your event?
    • Activities advertisements cannot be posted over murals.
    • Remove your signs after the event.
    • Do not post over other student organization’s posters.
    • Content must be school appropriate.
  • How do you prepare for an event?
    • Students setting up for an event after school must have their staff advisor on-site.
    • Organizations are responsible for having security and custodial staff on site if an event requires these services.


  • What are the rules about fundraising?
    • ASB organizations are permitted to fund raise, but all organizations must follow district and state guidelines. Check out the fundraising handbook . Advisors, officers, and team captains are responsible for following these rules.
  • How do you plan a fundraiser at FHS?
    • Completing the proper pre-approval paperwork for your event or fundraiser is essential. ASB organizations are not permitted to host events or to coordinate fundraisers that have not been approved by the Activities Coordinator. Planning ahead prevents scheduling problems and ensures that all fundraising procedures are followed. Start with a copy of your meeting minutes and the pre-approval form.

Managing ASB Funds

  • How do you handle money during a fundraiser?
    • ASB student organizations must follow the proper processes for depositing and withdrawing their funds.

How can I get involved with activities at Franklin High School?

  • Student clubs are open to all students! Look for information about student organizations on the school website or flyers around school.
  • To find out a club’s specific meeting times and locations, visit the ASB room.
  • If you are interested in athletics, look for information about sports on the school website.
  • To find out details about a specific sport, visit the Main Office.

What are the eligibility requirements for students involved in athletics or student organizations?

  • FHS student-athletes must maintain a 2.0 GPA.
  • For all other student organizations, eligibility requirements vary. (For example, you must maintain a 2.0 GPA to serve as an ASB representative, but many clubs have no GPA requirements.) If you have specific questions about your activity’s GPA requirements, ask your club advisor.

What is an ASB sticker and why is it $25?

  • An ASB activities sticker shows that you paid an activities fee. The fee goes towards paying for the activities that your ASB representatives plan.
  • The ASB sticker also allows you to receive discounted ticket prices for athletic events, drama productions, ASB activities, and dances.
  • To purchase your ASB sticker, visit the ASB Room.
  • If you need financial assistance to pay for your ASB sticker, you may apply for a scholarship with your counselor.

What do I do if I lose my student ID? Can my ASB sticker be replaced?

  • Your ID card can be replaced after school in the ASB room. Please note replacements may take more than 24 hours.
  • ASB Officers have a record of all ASB stickers

Associated Student Body (ASB) Funds

Publication of Information

Required per RCW 28A.325.050

An Associated Student Body (ASB) is a formal organization of students, including sub-component or affiliated student groups, formed at each public school within Seattle Schools. The programs of the ASB are any optional, noncredit, extra-curricular activity conducted in whole or in part by or on behalf of an ASB, during or outside regular school hours, within or outside school grounds and facilities and conducted with the approval of the school district or under the official designee to whom authority has been delegated to act on behalf of an ASB or sub-component group. ASB programs and activities must be of a cultural, athletic, recreational or social nature benefitting the ASB.

Money generated or collected, including fundraising proceeds, in conjunction with ASB activities, is public money which must be deposited into the ASB Fund. ASB public money may only be used for optional, noncredit, extra-curricular events and activities of a cultural, athletic, recreational, or social nature.

Posting of the following reports ensures compliance with RCW 28A.325.050 (and ESHB1109). This information is not representative of a school’s full fiscal and/or athletic activity.

Questions regarding the posting of the ASB reports may be directed to:

Chris Johnson
ASB, Trust Analyst

Fund Balance Reports:

ASB Activity Card Data